Upper Valley Naturalist Questline

... the final form of this Big thing we're just starting to build ...

The Salamander Team is trying to build a thing that members of our community (we started with mainly Hartford volunteers, but neighbors from towns nearby are invited too) can use to help us all learn and hang out and grow together as well-rounded Naturalists. The ultimate goal is a system that can help move everyone in the direction of an almighty “Upper Valley Naturalist” achievement that we’ll be designing some sort of prize for. Like a special Salamander Team cape when you’ve completed all of the checkboxes and hurdles and challenges (that we are only now starting to build…). Maybe a coffee mug. Maybe some local coffee? Don’t know yet. 

Salamander Team Learning paths (Local "Courses")

... The pieces of the big thing we're trying to build ...

2022 was the fist year the Salamander Team started doing the in-person last-Sunday-of-the-monthly meetups, 2023 is the first year we’re basically going to try to host freestanding university courses that anyone in the community can join in.  The “courses” will be 10ish weeks designed to get the group out in nature as much as possible. 


The Salamander Team community is home to people of many ages and backgrounds, and so designing one syllabus to serve the diverse bunch is mega hard. That’s in part why we use “quotation marks” and air quotes when calling the things “courses” – what we’re building is a broad framework for approaching learning about the target topics, with a hefty provision of well-vetted resources (books and articles and teachers and authors and youtube channels etc), and a community that meets often in our beautiful local public natural spaces.  Check out the “Toolkit” page (which hopefully exists by the time you’re reading this) for a broader bank of resources to support your learning. That toolkit is crowdsourced, so if there’s something missing that you might recommend be added for a specific topic please email HartfordSalamanderTeam@gmail.com